Sunday, November 16, 2008

President Elect...

I'm sort of geting sick of people who are bringing down the fact that Obama won the election. I didn't vote for him. But the thing is.. shouldn't we be lifting him up instead of trying to hope he fails or put it on him already that he's going to fail. I don't really care if you don't like the new president. He is going to be our president though. He's going to run the country, we should be praying that he will be able to make decisions that will be good for our country. We should be praying that God leads him to the right choices. And that he doesn't become overwhelmed with this new position in our country.

Most of the people saying things.. are christians themselves. how hatred runs in the veigns of those who are supposed to love the most.


Friday, November 7, 2008

from: oct 15 2008

you know that saying.. there are two different kinds of people in this world? well there is about 100 things you could say.. I was thinkin.. so wouldn't that mean there are 100 different kinds of people lol... so lets see what we can come up with...

There are two kinds of people in this world....
...people who make you stronger.. and ones who make you weaker..
...People who turn their back on you.. and people you should turn you back on first...
...People that make great friends...and people that you need to be a great friend too...
...People who don't need you... and people you don't need...
...People you should try to get to know and people who shouldn't want to get to know...
...People who'll stand up for you... and people who won't...
...People who understand who you are...and people who need to understand who you are...
...People who know the truth about Christ and tell others.. and people who know the truth about Christ but let loved ones go to hell...
...People who will be there for you no matter what..and people that you should be there for no matter what...
... people who see wrong and complain about it.. and people who see wrong and walk right by it...
...people who are in a band.. and people who wish they were...
ADD YOURS BELOW...(i came up with all of these above)

from: Oct 22 2008

(from my ff5 fansite)

this is what I gotta say..about the FF5 haterz
Current mood: bouncy
Category: Parties and Nightlife

hey everyone,
(this was written in a spirit of Love..:)
There has been a bunch of.. "hater" comments on the FF5 myspace lately and I've gotten a couple messages and comments myself. Which I do delete.. not because I don't have the same opinion but because their opinions really don't matter in the vast expanse of things.
Don't sink to their level..
Remember.. people do have their opinions... and they are allowed to think what they want.. even if it's not true.
However.. this is what I have to say.. about it...
If you have had the awesome experiece of meeting the guys of FF5 you guys ALL know that the guys are sweet guys.. you know where they stand (in Christ) and you know also.. how... amazingly talented they are musically.. Especially Solomon (SGA).. (In my mind) He is the music "genious" behind FF5.. And if you have ever been friends with a musician who is a lyricist/music writer/ and producer.. you know that their musical wheels are ALWAYS turning... growing as a musician is the same as growing as a Christian.. or a any person.. WE learn new ways of doing things and new things come to us every day.. We go through new experiences. The same happens to a musician. they learn new instruments, new ways of producing a song, new lyrics come their way. Change is good.
If you don't believe in.. agree with.. or like FF5 anymore because of the new music.. May I say.. that maybe you shouldn't listen to a bands' NEW CD expecting to hear what was on the last CD!.. :) You should ALWAYS expect the bands that you love.. to grow and make NEW music. (why would you put in a new FF5 cd expecting to hear "Drama Queen" and "Kountry Gentleman" again??"
As for FF5 wearing Costumes...haven't they always done something like that? CD USA show? raiding drama clubs at Churches.. I don't really think that makes them a gimic band or a novelty band.. I think it more so makes them a bunch of Fun.. silly guys! they are..... young.. guys. ya know...
They take their craft very seriously. They follow their hearts.. and they love each one of you for who you are... and what God wants you to be...
Shouldn't we give them the same respect?
If you are a Christian.. and you are "confused" about the guys beliefs in this band.. ASK THEM about it.. Don't come to a conclusion before you know the person...If you have something that is bothering you.. PRAY about it.. Go to God with it... You think they're walking away.. That's something you take to God.. and pray about. You don't go to others and talk about it or come to me and attack me about them. If you have forgotten... MOST of us are human beings..:) we ALL make mistakes and none of us are perfect.. I'm not a perfect Christian. I do things EVERY SINGLE DAY.. that is not considered completely Holy.
I'm 28.. I've learned a lot in my life.. and one of those things I've learned is to take most things with a grain of salt.. AND realize that not everyone believes the same way I do.. hasn't been through the same things I have.. and doesn't deal with things the same way I do.
Give the FF5 guys some slack.. they are working their way up.. a VERY VERY difficult ladder. The music business isn't peaches.. and cream.. and rose petals. so remember that..
In Love..Chris